Thursday, May 27, 2010
A gift!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
That darn crab grass!

Sunday, May 23, 2010
you say tomato...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
It’s been an interesting spring as far as the weather is concerned. It’s May and we have still been turning on the heat every now and then to take the chill out of the air inside. The garden is slowly taking shape. The arugula is harvest worthy, the potatoes and peas are on their way and the carrots, zinnias, poppies and cosmos that I planted from seed are about an inch tall. I haven’t even put my tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers or okra in the ground yet. It’s been going down into the 40s at night. Hopefully that means it will be a mild summer. I’ll keep my fingers crossed.

Monday, May 10, 2010
Succulent succulents.
My sister and her husband came to Lawrence this past weekend and I decided to take them to one of my favorite places, Henry’s Plant Farm. Jozie, Brian and Homer are my go-to people for gardening advice, they sell gorgeous flower bouquets and succulents at The Merc and they also work at the Plant Farm. Whenever I go out there I love to go behind the scenes and look at the thousands of succulents that they have in their greenhouses. You can imagine that I really wanted to share that with Whitney and Matt. It’s hard not to be totally blown away by the many different species of plants they grow.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Sparks, Kansas. Here we come!
A few weeks ago I was reading my Country Living magazine (Judge all you want, it’s a really great mag) and there was an article about the top 10 best flea markets in America. Well, there just so happens to be one 1.5 hours from here and it was going on this weekend! For a combo anniversary birthday celebratory trip we set out on the back roads to Sparks, Kansas (population: 9). 75,000 people attend the flea marker over the course of 4 days, so you can imagine the fantastic people watching. We were excited about getting there at the end of the weekend because that’s when the best bargaining happens. It was a gorgeous day despite the huge dark cloud that blew in, down poured on us, hailed and then left as quickly as it came. We haggled our way through that place and set off back to Lawrence with a car full of loot.

Monday, May 3, 2010
rootin' tootin' dandy days!
Goodness, the last two weeks have been off the charts! It all started two Fridays ago with Red Lefty’s final show, which has been my husband’s band for last 5 years. It’s a sad ordeal but the farewell was sweet. Lots of dancing in a hot and sweaty bar to the hoppin’ tunes of my favorite band.
On Sunday we drove out to nowhere land with our expert fisherman friend, Justin, to catch a few white bass. It was a windy, cloudy day but the fishing was great. I brought a very “Lowen” picnic that was probably much too fancy for the occasion but what the heck? I enjoyed it. Everyone caught some fish except for me but I had a really great time. I’m thinking that now that we have our fishing licenses we will be going out with our fishing poles quite often.
On Monday (my day off) I drove outside of town about 20 minutes to Henry’s Plant Farm. My friends, Jozie and Brian, from Earth Flowers, work out there and they were kind enough to help me pick out plants for our new perennial flower bed. It’s not quite finished so I’ll post more about that later.