Friday, October 21, 2011

Last harvest of the season

It was rumored that there would be a hard freeze the other night (it never actually happened) so I pulled all of my peppers and tomatoes, even the green ones. I even said a little farewell to my garden. "Goodbye garden, it was a great year. See you next spring." The funny thing is that I'll still be seeing a lot of my little garden this fall with the pulling of plants and laying of compost. There is still a lot to be done. By the way, tomato plants are sure a pain to pull out. One plant can fill one or more of those brown paper lawn bags! Should I throw it all in my compost instead? Instinctively I feel like I shouldn't. What do you think?

I also had to throw in a couple of gratuitous kitty photos. She's so cute!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe it's too late, but I'm of the opinion that everything that comes out of the garden, barring diseased plants, should go into the compost.

    Of course, I always used to pick up other people's compost bags of leaves and lawn clippings to put into my garden.
