Sunday, March 7, 2010

Spring is in the air.

Well, I don’t know how official it is but it sure feels like spring! Today was magnificent. The snow that has been here since December has finally melted away. I put on my rubber boots and surveyed the yard in the warm sunshine. The birds were busy singing their song and the ground was squishy and wet. It won’t be long before the wet snow is just a faded memory. The fish in our pond are still alive. It amazes me that they can survive a Kansas winter in a little pool of water. The excitement and stress of preparing the garden is fast upon me. Our chance to buy a truckload of compost from the city is a week away and I haven’t even had time to process the sudden change of the seasons. I’m sure I will get over that as soon as I am allowed to spend some time out in our dreamland of a backyard.

These snowy photos are only a few weeks old, a surprise snow on a sunday afternoon.

The Surprise Lilies (or Naked Ladies) have popped up!

Only stick arms and a little pile of snow are left to show for the snowman that Chris made over a month ago. I can’t believe it stuck around for so long. According to a lot of folks around here, “the longest winter EVER.”


  1. The snow finally melted off our shady little back yard this week to reveal my pride & joy: bulbs!! Like a tiny, green, congratulatory note that says, "Yay! You didn't freeze to death!!"

  2. I finally got to look at your blog! Woohoo! I am ready for spring too, damn it! I think I saw some naked ladies in our yard, too...bow chicka bow bow...
