This is the second year in a row that a mama finch has built a nest in one of my ferns on the front porch. It's so fun to watch from my window, I can see every happening! She is funny. You can tell that she is very cautious about making sure no one is watching when she enters the fern. She doesn't want anyone to know that she will be laying her precious eggs in there. It was so special to finally see the eggs hatch and five little featherless birdies all snug in their nest. They were there for about 2 weeks, growing bigger and getting more feathers each day. One day, I was doing my usual daily peek into the nest and I only saw one bird left. I could just tell that he was about to take flight so Chris and I pulled up a chair and waited. After 15 minutes, we were just about ready to give up, and off he flew. It was such a cool experience. I'm hoping that this family of birds has permanently made my ferns their nesting place and we will get to see this special happening every year.

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