We had a few thunderstorms last week and then it turned really hot this weekend. I think the rain/heat combo made the yard explode with growth. Things are popping up and budding out like crazy. I woke up Sunday morning to probably 50 blooms on my clematis. Gorgeous!!! This is the time of year when I'm just blown away by how so incredibly AWEsome nature is. It's so neat to watch seedlings break through the hard earth, plants that looked crispy enough to think dead come fully back to life and buds of beautiful flowers unfurl and bloom into brilliantly shaped and colored flowers. We are beginning to eat out of the garden, the wooded area behind the house is filling in and there is a pair of finches building a nest in the fern on the front deck. So happy...

Bought some brightly colored annuals for the back patio.

Can you see Chris in the background working on yet another project? He's making a cool gate to finish off the fence. I can't wait to see what he comes up with!
Peony. Any day now!
Our new wrap-around couch for the front deck! Now all I have to do it make cushions which will require me to learn how to use my sewing machine. Chris purposefully made the couch long enough so he could sleep on it. He loves sleeping outside.
Front deck.
Bella Kitty.
Lowie, I'm truly amazed at every single one of your blog posts...gorgeous!! I can't wait to see it in real life one of these days! Love you!!
ReplyDeleteoooo I like your benches. Are they made from pallets?
ReplyDeletethey are made from pallets. free!!!!