The other day I had a very special encounter with a Striped Morning Sphinx Moth. At first I thought it was a hummingbird because it was that big! I was doing some investigating about them and what do you know? They are also called Hummingbird Moths. It hovered around my flowers for a solid 20 minutes so that I could get a really good look at it. What a special treat!
I'm not sure what these flowers are, but they are everywhere in my yard. Probably a weed.

Things are definitely coming to a close in the yard as we drift closer to winter. I'm resistant to start tearing things out of the garden although we did dig up the tomato bushes. There is so much to do before the first frost! I have to plant garlic, winterize the pond and the rain barrel, cut back the perennials, dig up bulbs and we want to redesign the garden so that it has a wooden fence. There are just not enough hours in the day!

Can you believe how tall the okra plants are? It's really hard to harvest them. I have to grab a lower branch and pull the top down towards me like I'm loading a catapult. It's a pretty funny sight.
Chris painted these birdhouses. I love them. I think they add a nice splash of color to the yard.
This is all the tomatoes we picked before we tore the plants out. This seems like the right time to learn how to make fried green tomatoes.
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