Every year Chris and I go to the Walnut Valley Bluegrass Festival the third weekend in September. It's been around for 39 years and it's one of those things that the very first time you go you are hooked for life. This was our 9th year to go and there is no turning back now. The folks that we have been camping with for the past 7 years are our friend Courtney's parents, aunts, cousins and friends. This year was fantastic and it just keeps getting better every year!

On the way there we drove through the Flint Hills with a double rainbow to the east and an intense sunset to the west.

Home sweet home for the festival.
Our awesome new camping kitchen.
The shower that our fellow campers set up every year.
Our campsite banner hung high in the trees so people can find us.

Making fried okra that I grew.

We put on a scavenger hunt every year and this year it was mine and Chris' turn. It was so much fun. This is the "gather 'round" where everyone displays all of their finds.
Our favorite item on the list was an aluminum sculpture and this is was people came up with.
I'd say that the horse wins. What do you think?
Hanging out eating dinner.

Our awesome camping group (minus about 5 people). We love you guys! Can't wait until next year! Only 359 days to go!